Cumberland Baptist Institute and West Somerset Baptist Church

I have been doing work with Cumberland Baptist Institute for a while. One of their dreams was to offer online classes. The push for online classes has been quite great with the onset of COVID-19.

Their staff came up with a tier system for the online classes. Tier 1 would be on-site, tier 2 would be real time distance (using video conferencing), and tier 3 would be self-paced online learning. We were able to make all 3 happen and save them a bit of money on existing services as well. Here’s the breakdown.

Each classroom needed to be equipped with a TV, computer, and microphone to leverage the video conferencing option. We were able to accomplish this by purchasing 55″ TV’s, Chromebooks, and Samson GoMics that would connect to the Chromebook. The setup is extremely budget friendly with the final total being less than $2,500 to equip every classroom with the proper equipment.

We were able to save them $1,800 by combining their online eLearning hosting, web forms, and website into one package.

West Somerset

I worked with West Somerset over the last few months to engineer a streaming solution. Were able to accomplish a streaming setup using their existing computer and a few items we purchased from our online vendors. The entire setup was less than $800, which included a camera, tripod, capture device, and USB 3.0 PCI-e card.

Click here to check them out.